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Buy Oxymetholone online | Oxymetholone for sale


Pharmaceutical Name: Oxymeth 50

Chemical Name: Oxymetholone

Unit Available:100 Tablets.

Each tablet contain: 50 mg.


Structural Characteristics

oxymetholone also know as Androlic or Anadrol It is without a doubt the strongest and most visibly active steroid to date. Not only does it act very rapidly, it causes a virtual explosion of mass. Gains of up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks are not uncommon.

The gains made on oxymetholone are not the leanest, you will note a drastic smoothing out of the muscle due to estrogen-related fat (lipolysis) and water retention. The water component resulting from oxymetholone use is not be under estimated either. The benefit of water retention is of course a lubrication of the joints, allowing the comfort of pain-free workouts even with extremely heavy weights, as well as the retention of more nutrients inside the cell, possibly leading to more permanent growth in muscle tissue. The downside to a massive water retention is that it gives you a rather puffed up look.

Oxymetholone is a modihed form of dihydrotestosterone. lt differs by 1) the addition of a methyl group at carbon 17-alpha, which helps protect the hormone during oral administration, and 2) the introduction of a 2-hydroxymethylene group, which inhibits its metabolism by the 3-hsd enzyme and greatly enhances the anabolic and relative biological activity of methyldihydrotestosterone.


Dosage Recommanded


Studies have shown that taking an oral anabolic steroid with food may decrease its bioavailability. This is caused by the fat—solubIe nature of steroid hormones, which can allow some of the drug to dissolve with undigested dietary fat, reducing its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. For maximum utilization, this steroid should be taken on an empty stomach. Early prescribing guidelines for oxymetholone recommended a dosage of 2.5 mg three times per day to reverse the wasting process and provide lean body mass gain. Doses as high as 30 mg were employed in some cases. Current prescribing guidelines recommend a dosage of 1-5 mg per kilogram of bodyweight per day for treating anemia, although indicate that a dose of 1-2 mg/kg is typically sufficient. A 175-pound person would take approximately 150 mg per day at the 2 mg/kg dosage level. In some other countries, it is recommended to limit the dosing of oxymetholone to 100 mg per day. Therapy is usually given for a minimum of three to six months. When used for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes, an effective oral daily dosage would fall in the range of 25-150 mg, taken in cycles lasting no more than 6-8 weeks to minimize hepatotoxicity.This level is sufficient for dramatic increases in muscle mass and strength. Higher doses are rarely administered due to the strong estrogenic nature of the drug, as well as the high potential for hepatotoxicity. When used for physique or performance—enhancing purposes, an effective oral daily dosage would fall in the range of 25-150 mg, taken in cycles lasting no more than 6-8 weeks to minimize hepatotoxicity. This level is sufficient for dramatic increases in muscle mass and strength. Higher doses are rarely administered due to the strong estrogenic nature of the drug, as well as the high potential for hepatotoxicity.


Side Effects


All anabolic/androgenic steroids when taken in doses sufficient to promote muscle gain are expected to suppress endogenous testosterone production. Without the intervention of testosterone stimulating substances, testosterone levels should return to normal within 1-4 months of drug secession. Note that prolonged hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism can develop secondary to steroid abuse, necessitating medical intervention. Note that when discontinuing oxymetholone, the crash can be as equally powerful as the on-cycle results. To begin with, the level of water retention will quickly diminish, dropping the user’s body weight dramatically. This should be expected, and not of much concern.What is usually of most concern is restoring endogenous testosterone production with a proper PCT program. Before going off, some alternately choose to first switch over to a milder injectable like Deca-Durabolin for several weeks. Thls is in an effort to “harden up the new mass” and can prove to be an effective practice. at least from a mental standpoint. A drop of weight is likely when making the switch, although the end result is still often viewed as allowing the retention of more (quality) muscle mass. lt is sort of stepping down, first off the water retention, and weeks later finally off the hormones. Remember anclllarles though, as testosterone production will not be rebounding during Deca therapy.


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